Video: Protected Status - Threatened Habitat in the Peace Valley
Barn swallows are listed as threatened species under the Species at Risk Act in Canada. Loss of nesting habitat, including wetlands, have...

Videos: Paddle for the Peace and Stake in the Peace
Paddle for the Peace 2018 “We aren’t opposed to the creation of the energy, what we’re opposed to is the destruction of this valley.” -...

Peace Valley Landowner Association has reached our fundraising goal
We are happy to announce that the Peace Valley Landowner Association has reached our fundraising goal to pay off our bills incurred in...

Breaking News: Meteorite Strikes Site C Dam Location; Still No Bedrock Found. Satire
BC Hydro is just now releasing details of a recent meteorite strike at the Site C Dam project in northern BC near the town of Fort St....

The Silence is Deafening.
For years, Arthur Hadland has been pushing for answers from BC Hydro and the BC Government in regards to the geotechnical concerns with...

Site C Still Sucks
Quadra Island The December 11, 2017 decision by Premier John Horgan to proceed with the Site C dam was a shocking disappointment to many...

Problems with the Left Bank at Site C
The amazing thing about civil suits is that they tend to bring documents to the light of day that may otherwise never be exposed. Until a...

The Abandoned Gas Well “Discovered” at Site C
In February 1967, well #WA 02082 10-10-083-19-W6M was drilled to a depth of 6157 feet and then abandoned later that same year. No thought...

Watson Slough, we are watching over you!
World Wetlands Day was February 2, 2018. CONSERVING WETLANDS IS CRUCIAL TO MAINTAINING HEALTHY ECOSYSTEMS. However, BC Hydro intends to...

World Wetland Day Event Feb. 2, 2018
Join PVLA and PVEA at the Watson Slough/Wetland Event Date: February 2, 2018 Event Time: 1:00-2:30 PM Event Location: Watson Slough, Hwy...