l a n d o w n e r a s s o c i a t i o n
Want more information on the issue?
Browse our selected websites, videos and links to learn more about the Site C Dam.
Peace for a Valley
See and feel the beauty of the Peace Valley
David Suzuki on Site C Dam at
Paddle for the Peace
Watch David Suzuki's powerhouse speech at the 7th annual Paddle for the Peace, inspiring hundreds of people from the Peace Valley and around the province who turned out to voice their opposition to the proposed Site C Dam. Said Suzuki, "The dam at Site C is being driven by the argument we need the energy to power our society, specifically for the Liquefied Natural Gas plant that's going in at Kitimat. We need this to create jobs - this is absolutely crucial. But in elevating the economy above everything else, we fail to ask the most elementary questions: What is an economy for? How much is enough? Are there no limits?...We're not asking the critical questions."
B.C. Government Gives
Go-Ahead Site C Dam,
Fight Far from Over
A riveting piece written about landowner reactions to the Site C Dam announcement featured on DeSmog Canada website.
Ken and Arlene Boon: Energy Concious Homesteaders
Informative article featured on the Alaska Highway News website.
Site C Floods will Wash Away 12,000 Years of Human History
Check out this Globe and Mail article that delves into the historic aspect of the Peace River Valley.
Site C Opposition: Hudson’s Hope Request for Support and Project Implication
An article explaining why Richmond City Council recently passed a motion to support Hudson’s Hope in their opposition to the construction of the Site C Dam on the Peace River.
PVLA, First Nations Wins Right for Preparation Time Against Site C in Judicial Review
The Peace Valley Landowners Association (PVLA) and First Nations came out of Federal Court this week with a small win in a multifaceted hearing into B.C Hydro’s Site C Dam judicial review. Read more of the energeticcity.ca article.
Watt's Happening #52 - Grid-Tie in B.C.
Informative article on alternative methods of energy being utilized in Dawson Creek.
Part 1 of DeSmog Canada’s exclusive sit-down interview with Harry Swain, the man who chaired the panel tasked with reviewing BC Hydro’s Site C dam, sparked a firestorm of activity on Tuesday.
Part 2 of DeSmog interview with Mr. Swain.
For Immediate Release
April 8, 2015
Peace Valley Landowner Association Speaks in Vancouver About Impacts of Site C Dam
VANCOUVER, BC. - A benefit concert was held at the Wise Hall in East Vancouver on March 28, 2015 to help raise funds for the Peace Valley Landowner Association (PVLA) legal action against the Site C dam on the Peace River. A large enthusiastic turnout of folks from all walks of life in the Lower Mainland came to lend their support to stop Site C. Watch the video to see what you missed! https://youtu.be/GDmbA5QzC34 Performing was the The Wilds, Art Napoleon, Jason Buie, and the Boom Booms. Speakers were Grand Chief Stewart Philip, Harold Steves, Joy Foy and Arlene Boon. The PVLA asserts that the Environmental Assessment Certificate for the Site C dam is invalid, and is going to both BC Supreme Court and Federal Court to have them quashed. Harold Steves (agroecologist, politician, and farmer) stated: “The Peace river farmland is Class 1 alluvial soil, just like the Fraser Valley. Especially in view of the extreme drought in California the Peace is our best bet for adding food security in a changing climate. Without the Peace, food prices have nowhere to go but up.” Ken Boon stated “When the Site C Joint Review Panel raises major concerns about the economics of Site C and recommends further expert and independent review of the cost , need and alternatives to Site C , the BC government has a legal obligation to carefully openly and thoroughly consider then, not cavalierly disregard the JRP economic recommendations in it rush to approve Site C. The BC government is not above the law” The hearing in BC Supreme Court is scheduled to begin on 10:00 am on April 20th at 800 Smithe St in Vancouver. You can attend and listen to our judicial review. The evening raised almost $4,000. Help us raise the remaining $40,000 to reach our $200,000 target!
For more information or to donate go to:
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/peacevalleylandownerassoc
Fundraiser site: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/0uUL7
Website: http://www.peacevalleyland.com/
For more information, please contact:
Peace Valley Landowner Assoc.
Ken Boon, President
SS#2, Site 12, Comp 19
Fort St. John, BC V1J 4M7
Email address: pvla@xplornet.com